Unqork Ranked in Top Quadrant of Celent’s Underwriting Workbench Report for Global Markets
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What’s New in Unqork 2021.9



Unqork 2021.9 further increases Creator productivity across your development workspaces and SDLC.

The release of Unqork 2021.9 means Creators can leverage an enhanced search functionality and a newly consolidated application monitoring resource.

Before we dig deeper into our latest batch of updates, I’d also like to invite you to join our upcoming Unqork Create virtual conference (Oct 12–14) to see how your enterprise can enjoy a future without legacy. Unqork Create 2021 is the premier no-code conference for enterprise development professionals, featuring three days of actionable insights, workshops, hands-on labs, and customer stories with no-code experts and industry leaders.

Click here to register for your free pass.

Search and locate elements by their respective IDs

We’ve expanded the search feature to find what you need, faster. Before, search was limited to queries against element titles, leading Creators to frequently duplicate browser tabs and manually replace IDs within the URL to locate the items they need. 

Introducing one consolidated monitoring tool

We consolidated the Logs, Metrics, and Alerts Dashboard tools into one Monitoring tool. The Monitoring tool brings all Creator request logs, server metrics, and alerts together to help Creators simplify the maintenance and operations of the applications they’ve built in Unqork.

Simplify the end-user experience with new Marketplace listings

  • Lob Integration Template: Allows for real-time address verification capabilities provided by Lob, allowing Creators to quickly verify the accuracy of physical addresses that a user submits

  • SendGrid Email With Attachments Template: An extension of the SendGrid Email Template, this provides an easy way to send emails with attachments to your customers at any point within their customer journey

  • SFTP Module Upload: Accelerates the configuration required to upload files to your SFTP server by utilizing Unqork’s File Component and File Storage Component

  • SFTP Workflow Upload: Enables end-users to upload a file then progress the workflow to an automated API module that uploads the file to an SFTP server utilizing Unqork’s File Storage Component

To learn more about how Unqork’s no-code platform works, schedule a personalized demonstration with one of our in-house experts. Also, sign up for the Unqork newsletter to discover more ways no-code is changing the enterprise application industry.

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