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Webinar: GovTech Rent Relief



On December 27, 2020, the third COVID-19 relief stimulus bill became law authorizing $25 billion in emergency rent relief funding for residents facing eviction or winter without heat and running water. Local and state governments are moving quickly to understand how they can distribute funds from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) to residents in need in compliance with federal rules in the most efficient way possible. 

In January, Unqork launched a turnkey product, Unqork Rent Relief. The application empowers local leaders to effectively administer ERAP funds in compliance with all requirements.

In a recent webinar from the center for digital government, Cas Holloway, Head of Public Enterprise at Unqork demonstrated how local and state leaders can deploy this turnkey solution to distribute and manage funds now and adjust to any new or changing program requirements. 

Want to learn more? Schedule a personalized virtual demonstration with one of our in-house experts. 


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