
VIDEO: Spring ’23 Release—Address Search Overview

This new feature of the Unqork platform sets a new standard for capturing, searching for, and displaying addresses in the Unqork Platform 


With a Google Maps-style address look-up, the new Address Search feature of the Unqork platform gives your end-users an intuitive and user-friendly way to search for addresses. When completing an online application with partial and related search terms (i.e. “fuzzy logic”), the tool provides both a list of the closest match displays and auto-populates all pertinent fields. 

The Address Search Component also offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling you to collect exactly the components of an address that the application requires. In addition, it supports multiple address service types—and enables you to easily limit or prevent address selection for specific countries and regions.

Benefits include

  • Enhanced user experiences: Enable end users to enter correct address information based on impartial or imprecise information. Make processes faster and easier with auto-population. 
  • Security and performance: Keep sensitive API (application programming interface) keys secure. Increase performance with server-side execution. 

Want to learn more? You can learn how to get started using this new feature here here



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