Unqork Ranked in Top Quadrant of Celent’s Underwriting Workbench Report for Global Markets
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ITC 2022: The Future of P&C Underwriting Presented by Unqork

Insurance leaders discuss how carriers can automate manual tasks and streamline the underwriting process, from intake to bind, in as few as 12 weeks—all without writing any new code. 



Traditionally, carriers developing an underwriting (UW) system have been forced to choose between the expense and complexity of a custom internal build or the inflexibility of an off-the-shelf point solution. With Unqork’s Rate-Quote-Bind and Underwriting Workbench powered by Codeless Architecture, clients no longer need to choose. Carriers can launch sophisticated, customized products, leverage Instant insights from internal and external data sources and automate manual tasks and streamline the underwriting process, from intake to bind, in as few as 12 weeks—all without writing any new code. 

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