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Fueling a Product Development Strategy with Unqork to Achieve High Quality, Quick-To-Market Software



FOXO Technologies’ Tyler Danielson (CTO) and Taylor Fay (Director of Product Management) take a deep dive into how they handle Product Development Strategy with Unqork—the right way.

At the recent Unqork Create conference, FOXO TechnologiesTyler Danielson (CTO) and Taylor Fay (Director of Product Management) led a session entitled “Fueling a Product Development Strategy with Unqork to Achieve High Quality, Quick-To-Market Software,” in which they explored how they’ve used the Unqork platform to build “pretty much everything.”

FOXO aims to build “the first life insurance company to be powered by molecular biotechnology.” The company uses genetic markers to improve underwriting and consumer health. Achieving this bold aim requires building a robust, flexible digital infrastructure that empowers the company to take on the digital challenges of today—and tomorrow. 

To this end, Unqork plays a crucial role because “Unqork makes it easy for us to adapt to changing market needs, [which is important] because we know that they will change,” Tyler explained. “Unqork helps us get to market faster, and that’s been very obvious. And the most important part is the ability to learn and iterate.” 

“Unqork makes it easy for us to adapt to changing market needs”​

Another key part of adaptability is the ability to seamlessly integrate new custom software with legacy systems and third-party software. “We want best-in-class solutions for every piece of our platform from application through underwriting,” said Taylor. This rapidness and seamlessness helped the company build a custom solution or integrate with existing systems as needed.

This new approach to build vs buy came into play when it was time to finding a re-insurance administration solution. “There aren’t many tools available for that right now,” Taylor continued. “What was available in the market was expensive, and built on legacy tech. We felt we could build something to meet our needs for just a basic term product, more cheaply and more quickly. And we’ve been able to achieve that with Unqork. A huge part of everything we built was Unqork. It’s really what’s allowed us to scale …. it’s allowed us to achieve that super scalability that we couldn’t have gotten out of other tools.”

What was available in the market was expensive, and built on legacy tech. We felt we could build something to meet our needs for just a basic term product, more cheaply and more quickly. And we’ve been able to achieve that with Unqork. A huge part of everything we built was Unqork. It’s really what’s allowed us to scale 

Much of the speed of building in Unqork comes from building individual components through the visual UI and then reusing them repeatedly throughout the digital infrastructure. Even “somebody like me who’s non-technical can understand it,” Taylor continued. “What I’ve really appreciated about the way we built things in Unqork with atomic design is that we can use and reuse those components.” 

Even better, this reusable approach allows companies to easily scale out changes: “If we decide we want a different design for our website, we only have to change it once, and it will change across our user experience,” Taylor said.

Overall, Unqork has proven to be an ideal tool for organizations like FOXO looking to break out of the mold. “You can develop very complicated systems easier using Unqork,” explained Tyler. “It’s faster, it’s cheaper. And even for complicated systems found in insurance or banking, it’s everything that you could possibly imagine, but were never able to get before.” 


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