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Elevating the Client Experience in Life Insurance: A Fireside Chat with Amy Friedrich from Principal



In this fireside chat with Unqork’s CEO, Amy Friedrich (President of US Insurance Solutions, Principal) discusses using no-code to strategically digitize at scale and enhance the consumer experience.

During Unqork’s inaugural Create conference, Unqork Founder and CEO Gary Hoberman conducted a (virtual) fireside chat with Amy Friedrich, President – US Insurance Solutions at Principal Financial Group. The topic of the chat was “Elevating the Client Experience in Life Insurance,” but the two also took the time to reflect on the years-long relationship between Unqork and Principal. 

“The minute I walked in and Gary and Jane [Tran] and the team just immediately understood what we’re doing,” Amy explained. “Who we’re trying to help, how we’re trying to help them—within 60 seconds, I was energized and I knew you’d be a great partner.”

One of the great benefits of no-code in general and Unqork, in particular, is that enterprises can build robust digital solutions without creating legacy code that would otherwise have to be managed and updated in perpetuity. By removing the legacy code, companies can take resources previously dedicated to upkeep and focus them on innovation.

“We had issues in the middle of our process. We were saddled with tech debt from legacy systems that we just couldn’t scale,” Amy continued. “We couldn’t get it to work together. So when you articulated that’s what you do, we’re like ‘In! We’ll partner, let’s grow together.'” 

“We had issues in the middle of our process. We were saddled with so much tech debt from legacy systems that we just couldn’t scale. We couldn’t get it to work together. So when you articulated that’s what [Unqork does], we’re like ‘In! We’ll partner. Let’s grow together.'” 

By partnering with Unqork, Principal has been able to prioritize transformation, which proved crucial in developing functionalities like straight-through processing that allowed key business processes such as buying life insurance to not only continue uninterrupted around pandemic disruptions but to scale their operations to meet increased demand—or “what ended up saving our bacon in the end,” as Amy put it. 

Straight-through processing is “the only thing that allows you to go from hundreds into thousands… we didn’t know that was coming down the pipe. We were like ‘someday, eventually.” But then someday came—and Principal was prepared. By securing the right relationships, taking on the right tools, and working together, Principal found a way to innovate around disruptions. 

Want to learn more? Watch the above conversation to hear another example of how Unqork is empowering companies to take on the digital challenges of tomorrow.


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