4 min read

The Web App Usage Metrics You Should Be Tracking


Monitoring user metrics is key to the success of your application—but only if you’re able to rapidly make adjustments based on the insights you gather. 


When it comes to enterprise development, a successful rollout is only half the battle. As important as it is to build applications properly, it’s also crucial to gather user metrics after your initial rollout to understand if your application is actually providing value to customers. 

Monitoring user experience via key usage metrics can help you identify what’s working and what’s not, so you can improve your services and enhance user satisfaction. To help you discern how your new application is performing, we’ve put together a guide to mastering the art of monitoring metrics.

Choose the Right Metrics for Your Business

When selecting the metrics you want to monitor, be sure to focus on those that are relevant and aligned with product goals. Your metrics should help you answer key questions like:

  • Are there any UX issues that need to be addressed?

  • To what extent are customers able to complete the core tasks the product supports? 

  • How is the product’s user experience changing over time?

  • How do customers navigate within the product? 

Google’s HEART framework is a good example of an all-purpose “template” for metrics monitoring that can be applied either to a specific feature or an entire product. This framework measures Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task success. Each metric comes with a few quantifiable measures of success which you can use to inform future decisions and goals (e.g., the number of new subscriptions is a good measure of Adoption). 

Based on the complexity of your product, you can opt for a straightforward approach like the HEART framework, or go more granular. Keep in mind that it’s always better to have a few metrics chosen with the intention to motivate action, as opposed to a large set of metrics that don’t inform any decisions. 

Example Web App Metrics to Track

To give you a sense of the web app metrics you might want to track and the specific questions they can help you answer, here are some examples to get you started: 

1. Abandonment: Which areas of your web application drive high site or product abandonment? Where are users “falling off” and why? Unusual abandonment rates on a feature or a page might indicate that a step is confusing, difficult to complete, or presents an opportunity for UX/optimization efforts.



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2. Customer Support Queries: Which areas of your web application are driving customer support visits? Similar to abandonment, unusually high customer support requests from a particular area or feature of your app might indicate a confusing or non-functional step. You can track this metric by monitoring call center requests or traffic to a “Contact” page, and then sorting according to where in the application users seek support the most frequently. 

3. Number of Active Users: How much traffic does your application receive, and what is the pattern over time? Usage trends are a goldmine of information and can help your team figure out if a product is gaining popularity, if updates are actually improving the app, and much more. You can easily gather data for this metric by monitoring your app’s average number of users daily, weekly, or monthly and tracking changes over time. 

4. Product Stickiness: How often do people revisit or reuse the product? Repeat visits help measure customer engagement and retention, especially if previous visits led to conversions or completed processes. 

5. Session Duration: How long do customers spend using the product per day or per week? Measuring the frequency and duration of use can help teams understand the extent to which customers rely on the product. However, be careful not to misconstrue duration data—session duration can just as easily indicate a difficult-to-use feature as a beneficial product. Do additional research and be sure to review your findings in context. 

The key to mastering metrics monitoring is knowing that the numbers can’t give you everything. Despite the potential insights that metrics can provide about your application, such metrics are useless unless they can inform rapid product updates. To put your metrics to work, you need to be able to easily adjust your product based on new insights in ways that increase customer satisfaction and generate value. That’s where no-code comes in.

Using No-Code to Address Metrics-Driven Insights

With traditional code-based app development, it’s very resource-intensive to make even minor changes to an application. Specialized engineers have to parse through legacy code, IT teams will spend hours testing and debugging workflows, and much more. Some changes may not even be possible without investing a significant amount of time and money into completely revamping legacy systems and starting over.

Unqork enterprise no-code platform makes it easy to adjust your application based on new insights. 

Unqork enterprise no-code platform makes it easy to adjust your application based on new insights. Pre-tested components, drag-and-drop functionality, and intuitive workflows empower you to pivot as necessary based on data-driven insights without missing a beat. 

The Unqork platform also offers monitoring functionality that makes it easier to take control of your user experience. Create your own customizable dashboard based on robust, structured application logging for end-to-end visibility, and proactively track the metrics you want. This feature makes it easier to meet customer demands, improve customer satisfaction, and continue driving engagement and adoption of your product.

Want to learn more about how no-code can be used to accelerate development in your organization? Start by scheduling a personalized demonstration with one of our in-house experts, or sign up for the Unqork newsletter to keep up with the latest no-code news. 

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