3 min read

Enabling More Collaborative Development With No-Code


Here’s how no-code empowers teams to collaborate and produce a more visible work product from the beginning of the development process. 

Traditional application development still has a long way to go before it’s a truly democratized and collaborative process. Coding bootcamps and academies have made it easier for more people to learn the specialized skill set it requires, but other barriers still remain. Traditional app development is inherently a siloed process, with a distinct divide that exists between the team who are hands-on and building the product and the business team responsible for gauging its potential value.

Typically, the business team participates in the early stages of ideation, helping to identify requirements and define the project scope. They then disappear, trusting developers to carry out the vision they’ve presented them. Once a usable prototype is ready, the business team reappears to provide feedback. There’s no real way for them to participate in the intermediate steps of development, which critically impacts innovation and inter-department collaboration. By taking coding out of the equation, enterprise app development teams can break through these barriers, collaborate more effectively, and get products to market faster. 

The 80-20 Ratio 

Let’s dig a little deeper into what we really mean when we say that traditional application development is an inherently siloed process. At best, development teams struggle to keep other teams apprised of what they’re doing, and at worst, teams actively withold information out of a sense of protectiveness. A “siloed process,” then, takes hold when teams go into isolation with an idea and then re-emerge months later with a completed product, with no steps in between to gather input from business-oriented stakeholders. 

This process is a result of what we like to refer to as “the 80-20 ratio.” While the specific ratio will vary between different projects and organizations, roughly 80% of the work of developing an application is not visible. This can include everything from picking a programming language to build it with to setting up security parameters on the back-end of the app. When so much of the development team’s time is spent knocking out a seemingly endless list of preliminary steps behind the scenes, the proportion of the overall process that is visible to other stakeholders shrinks. 

The 20% of the work that is visible to other stakeholders, like wireframes and prototypes, offers a look at how the final will function. The business team can easily provide feedback and contribute when tangible work presents itself, but these moments are few and far between in the grand scheme of the development process. 

Enterprises that rely on code exclusively are doing the best they can to ensure that this 20% period is as productive as possible, allowing for last-minute changes and re-delivery to maximize collaboration. But what if there was a better way to break up silos and facilitate collaboration throughout the entire development process? What if there was a way to change the ratio? 

Removing Code Means More Visible Progress

No-code doesn’t just reverse the 80-20 ratio associated with traditional development, it eliminates it completely. Instead of spending a majority of the development process working on back-end set-up, programmers can fast-forward to complex workflows and front-end decisions that the entire team can review and critique. No-code output is live and ready for use immediately, so you’ll always have something fully fleshed out to offer. Instead of roughly 80% intangible and 20% tangible work, no-code offers teams full transparency and more opportunities for collaboration.

Unqork’s intuitive, user-friendly interface also helps organizations break up silos, empowering team members with varying skillsets to have a hand in building complex applications. This means there’s no longer any need to have differentiated teams of builders and non-builders—everyone can get involved. With a democratized and collaborative organizational structure facilitated by no-code, enterprises are already innovating and shaking up industries from real estate to healthcare.     

Go From 20 to 100 with Unqork

Greater transparency and cooperation in the development process not only yields a more inclusive process, but also a more well-rounded final product. By offering a tangible product much sooner, no-code produces applications that have gone through more consistent and productive feedback—and this software is much better for it. And just as importantly, IT projects tackled with no-code are on-time, on-budget, and deliver the intended value. Turn the tables on traditional coding and say goodbye to the 80-20 ratio with a no-code enterprise app development platform.  

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