3 min read

An Unqork Platform Upgrade Rundown


The Unqork Platform is always improving. This blog post provides a high-level overview of some of our recent upgrades.


The Unqork Platform team is dedicated to enabling high-level functionality for Creators and delivering value to our customers and partners. In this blog post, we would like to highlight some of the technological upgrades we’ve delivered over the last quarter. 

The Road Behind: A Look Back at Q3

Last quarter, we identified three high-level focus areas: Creator Productivity, Enterprise Security, and Integrations. Let’s dive into a few of the enhancements we’ve built in each of these areas:

Creator Productivity

One of the great value-adds of enterprise no-code is its ability to amplify Creator productivity. We see this challenge in two parts: a) Getting Creators from zero-to-productive as quickly as possible, and then b) getting applications from development-to-production as soon as possible. 

To that end, in Q3, we introduced three key new features that are empowering Creators to build faster, better, and more efficiently: 

  1. A new component configuration experience: This new update delivers an even more intuitive Creator experience, to promote speed and productivity.

  2. Application promotion redesign: This update provides Creators with the ability to easily view promotion status between environments.

  3. Workspaces: This was one of our most ambitious upgrades of the last quarter and impacts nearly all aspects of the Creator experience and deserves more thorough exploration below:

As projects expand their scope, they can become more difficult to organize, which can make collaboration more challenging. Unqork’s new Workspaces feature set empowers teams to effectively and flexibly scale while maintaining order via: 

  • An app-centered experience: Apps are packaged in an intuitive and clean interface

  • Organization at any scale: Build and manage multiple projects within the same environment in ways that make sense to your team on a project-by-project basis 

  • A launchpad for new functionality: Upcoming features and enhancements will be built on Workspaces

With this update, we’ve empowered Creators to scale their environment while keeping it tidy and organized. We made it easier for teams to segment work for multiple projects in the same virtual space. Creators are empowered to structure apps in a way that makes sense to their teams on a project-by-project basis.


Want to learn more about Workspaces? Watch the replay of our recent webinar.

Enterprise Security

Unqork is designed to meet the digital needs of some of the world’s most demanding and heavily regulated sectors, so security is paramount. Over the past quarter, we have continued our mission to increase security capabilities throughout the platform including API rate limiting, which can help organizations reduce automated attacks such as brute force, enumerations, or HTTP request flooding; enhanced encrypted file management; and configurable session administration that allows organizations to set session timeouts to reduce abilities of attackers to commandeer open sessions.


Today’s business and digital ecosystems are expansive and growing all the time. That’s why seamless integration functionality is central as very few enterprise systems are developed in isolation—with data being pulled downstream or pushed upstream, so we’ve prioritized our work with an improved API framework, FTP support for file storage, and an updated pub-sub framework for internal eventing.

Looking Forward

We have a detailed plan of new functionality that will be implemented over the next year. We can’t wait to share it with you and show you how the world’s most powerful no-code application platform is about to get even better. 

Have any questions or comments about our roadmap or ideas for future functionality? please feel free to reach out via product@unqork.com

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