
Webinar: P&C Policy Administration System Solution Accelerator


When it comes to digitally transforming legacy policy administration systems, P&C providers have been forced to choose between the cost and complexity of building a custom solution or settling for a pre-built application. 

Packaged solutions may inject some operational efficiencies, but they are difficult to customize to the needs of a specific organization. Building a custom system using a traditional code-based approach may offer flexibility, but it can be a complex, lengthy, and expensive process.

With Unqork’s P&C Claims Administration Solution, businesses no longer need to make a choice between cost and customization. The Solution empowers providers to rapidly build a scalable, secure, sophisticated custom digital solution that delivers capabilities across the entire quote-generation and policy administration lifecycle—all without writing a single line of code. 

During a recent webinar, Unqork insiders demonstrated the Solution for industry leaders and showed how the Solution’s suite of real-world-tested features can be used to generate and manage documents, automate rating processes, and more. 

Watch the replay above to hear the discussion with Unqork’s Christian Barrera, VP of Alliances and Ecosystem; Laurence Brouillette, Business Product Director; Nilay Doshi, Client Partner; and Donald Lui, Sales Engineer as they explore how the Solution results in benefits for agencies, agents and underwriters, as well as improved client management and cross-sell opportunities through the utilization of existing customer data for multi-product purchases.

Want to learn more? Download our solution brief or schedule a personalized demonstration with one of our in-house experts

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