
Demo: Workforce Resilience and Risk Management Application


Organizations of all sizes are being tasked with safely reopening physical locations. To do this, managers will need to make decisions informed by up-to-date internal and external data. Unqork’s Enterprise Workforce Resilience and Global Risk Management Solution empowers organizations to design and implement a solution to support their unique reopening framework.

In this brief demonstration, we showcase how the solution can be used to auto-generate office risk levels and support the seamless transfer of documents, assessments, and other relevant data between four key user groups:

  1. Office Leaders
  2. Security Users
  3. Real Estate Users
  4. Operations Users (or other Leadership)

The demonstration also explores the solution’s searchable document repository featuring all documents that were used in the process as well as an interactive audit dashboard featuring audit logs and activity history relevant to each assessment. 

This is only a demonstration of one possible incarnation of the solution. Unqork’s Workforce Resilience & Risk Management Application is powered by no-code, which means organizations have the means to rapidly make changes that will support their specific needs. 

Want to learn more about how we can help your organization? Schedule a demonstration. We look forward to helping you get back to work.

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