
Unqork Create 2022 | EY Partner Innovation Spotlight—Key Elements of Successful Unqork implementations

Lars Tandrup, EY’s global Unqork practice lead, discusses key success metrics for an Unqork Codeless as a Service implementation

At Unqork Create 2022, Lars Tandrup, EY’s global Unqork practice lead, present key success metrics in consideration for an Unqork codeless architecture implementation. In particular, he had advice about how to: 

  • Make the most speed at which you can build applications
  • Establish design principles that ensure reliability, maintainability, reuse, and performance
  • Ensure performance, especially in larger, more complex applications

Because configuring applications with Unqork’s Codeless as a Service is so fast, organizations need to plan the entire process in order take full advantage of that speed.

“For example, with Unqork, you’re going to get to testing sooner than you’re used to,” explained Tandrup. “So very early on, figure out what your test strategy is in your test execution plan, so that you can benefit from a very condensed and compressed configuration development phase.” 

And because there are so many ways developers can build capabilities in Unqork, t is important to establish principles to ensure that you maximize everything from reuse of components to the performance of the application, explained Tandrup.

“In Unqork, there are a hundred different ways of meeting each business requirement, but based on the components you choose, based on how you configure the system, you can have a UI that renders in a split second or a UI that renders in 12 seconds,” said Tandrup. “It’s much better to decide that upfront and go after the split second than it is to find yourself in testing or in UAT with a 12 second rendering time.” 

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