
Unqork Create 2022 | Accelerating Operations Digitization & Productivity

Tanya Olimedo, Managing Director at Marcus, discusses the ways Codeless-as-a-Service accelerates digitization of operations at financial services companies

In this session, Unqork’s Christian Lewis was joined by Tanya Olimedo, Managing Director at Marcus, to explore how financial services companies can leverage Codeless-as-a-Service to digitize operations and increase productivity. 

A complex set of challenges

“Our business is highly complex, and we also have really aggressive roadmaps in regards to everything that we want to do,” explained Olimedo. 

In leading Marcus’s digitization efforts, Olidemo also faced a complex set of internal stakeholders. 

“When you have cross-functional teams and you’re working with some of your firm-wide teams outside of your division, it requires a lot of facilitation and coordination,” she explained.

Charting a way forward with CaaS

However, Unqork’s CaaS platform offered a way forward. 

“I was really impressed with Unqork demo that I saw and how quickly they’re able to put certain use cases to pilot,” said Olimedo.

That is especially true in a business as complex and regulated as banking. 

“You need your product designers. You need developers. You need fraud and risk. This list goes on and on,”  Olimedo said. “Being able to can do that quickly, and then customize quickly, was something that was enticing to us.” 

Take a self-guided tour of Unqork’s Codeless-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform

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