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Adopting Unqork into your Tech Stack


Aneesh Devi, Chenoa’s VP of Digital Solutions, shares thoughts on successfully incorporating Unqork into your technical architecture—factoring in company size, IT maturity & future roadmaps.

At Unqork Create 2021, Aneesh Devi (VP of Digital Solutions, Chenoa) discusses how to adopt Unqork’s no-code platform into your tech stack. As one of Unqork’s system integrators (SI), Chenoa realizes the value no-code can provide the enterprise; after all, they have built over 25 complex large-scale applications with the Unqork platform.

Aneesh breaks down IT architecture into four layers: (1) presentation & UI/UX, (2) business logic, (3) APIs & integrations, and (4) datastore. Unqork can support these four layers depending on how you implement the platform into your tech stack. Aneesh identifies three key ways in which an enterprise can adopt Unqork:

  • As a front-end: Transform your user interface and workflows by leveraging Unqork’s UI and business layer so that you can drive transformational change while maintaining your own back-end

  • As the fullstack: Take advantage of the full power of Unqork and build applications at speeds like never before

  • As a back-end: Build APIs and stitch together systems to enable others to build applications faster (or to share information in a more structured, useful way) 

Aneesh considers adopting Unqork as a back-end within your existing technology ecosystem as a lesser known but very powerful option. “Having visualized APIs in a centralized location … really, really changes the dynamics of how quickly other teams inside of an organization can be enabled for application development,” he emphasizes. For example, you can achieve that dream of a Shared Services Model by rapidly creating those APIs that are typically hard to build when doing so with code. “The ability for [existing APIs] to play nicely alongside existing technology is a huge benefit to helping getting started quickly and running with this.” 

“Your scalability, abstraction, security, full tolerance, error handling—all that is still maintained. And it’s still very easily done inside of Unqork…”

“Just because this is no-code doesn’t mean that we have walked away from good software engineering design principles. Your scalability, abstraction, security, full tolerance, error handling—all that is still maintained. And it’s still very easily done inside of Unqork, which really makes sure that the architecture is done correctly and is really able to withstand the needs of the business—and help the business scale as well, too.”

Want to dive deeper into what points to consider when thinking about how to best utilize Unqork’s no-code platform for your own strategies? Watch Chenoa’s full session above to learn more.

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