Patient Recruitment & Screening


Clinical trial recruitment and screening processes are painful for both patients and site staff. For patients, initial screening—even when conducted digitally—is difficult and time-consuming to navigate, especially when questions around medical history need to be researched. As a result, a significant swath of patients drop out prematurely and/or provide inaccurate information. Subsequent rounds of screening often occur at the site, which may take weeks or months to schedule and require travel on the part of the patient—often before eligibility is even confirmed. 

Unqork’s Patient Recruitment & Screening solution solves all of these pain points. Patients go through an intuitive, omnichannel intake experience to learn about and see if they might qualify for trial; those that do can then share medical records with the click of a button. Unqork automatically parses these records and maps them against the trial’s inclusion/exclusion criteria to flag patients whose clinical history renders them ineligible. This information is routed to the closest site (or first to the CRO, if one is involved) for staff to conduct further screening and schedule a virtual consultation with the patient. Site staff can then trigger digital informed consent to be sent to eligible patients and review the forms with them virtually as helpful. Ultimately, the trial portal is “turned on” for these patients, and the data that has been collected so far is automatically pushed to the EDC to eliminate duplicate entries.

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