4 min read

Will Your Education Prepare You For The Future of Software Development?

Here’s how no-code is powering a new age of software developers and a new era of education. 

It has always been assumed that to become a successful software developer, you (1) go to college or take courses, (2) learn how to work your way around complex codebases, and (3) secure jobs that put your skills to good use. But what if we’re wrong? What if this framework is based on a flawed assumption? 

The enterprise tech space is rapidly changing and many formally trained engineers find themselves at odds. Suddenly, the code-based skill sets they’ve honed over the years have become out-of-date; programming languages that were once critical are now barely-taught remnants of a digital past. To prepare developers for the future of software development, we must rethink how we educate them today.

An examination of developer education 

A curriculum based on code is the primary issue with traditional developer education today. The programming world moves quickly and the leading coding language can change from one moment to the next. By the time you master one language the enterprise tech space has already moved on, and you’re left with a skill set that’s no longer applicable to your next job.

We also shouldn’t ignore the fact that the software landscape has changed. More enterprises and developers are exploring what’s possible when you eliminate code altogether. The next generation of developers—millennials and Gen-Zers—are digital natives who have already embraced the speed and ease of use that comes with code-free technologies. We’ll only see less and less code as time goes by. 

By the time you master one language the enterprise tech space has already moved on, and you’re left with a skill set that’s no longer applicable to your next job. 

There’s also the issue of how traditional software development is taught. Right now, earning a computer science degree from a four-year college or attending a coding bootcamp are the two main ways you can learn to build software. It’s time to rethink that.

Four-year college programs work for people who have the time and money to invest in traditional education. However, many college courses don’t place enough emphasis on what you might encounter as a developer beyond coding. You might learn everything there is to know about the latest language, but what about testing, agile processes, or cloud computing? You’ll need a wide range of skills to stay competitive in today’s job market. There are also the costs of higher education to consider. The average out-of-state tuition for a computer science program is $25,553 per year for undergraduate students, which is prohibitively expensive for many! 

Coding bootcamps, on the other hand, are 12- to 15-week intensive courses that give aspiring developers practical tech skills in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost, relative to attending a college program. Bootcamps are a good option for working professionals and people who want to advance their skills. Plus, bootcamps can adapt to industry changes much faster than a college. If and when a new programming language emerges, you might be able to find a bootcamp that teaches it relatively soon. 

And yet, coding bootcamps can still be dicey. Even though the goal of bootcamps is to get students placed into full-time jobs after graduation, job placement rates and preparation widely vary. A program might boast a placement rate of 90%, but it’s actually closer to 50%. Also underpublicized, almost 60% of bootcamps test potential applicants for foundational coding skills before they accept them. If you’re just starting out and don’t have any tech experience whatsoever, it can be hard to even get your foot in the door. Given the pitfalls, it’s time to rethink developer education and make sure it matches the real future of software development. 

Also underpublicized, almost 60% of bootcamps test potential applicants for foundational coding skills before they accept them. If you’re just starting out and don’t have any tech experience whatsoever, it can be hard to even get your foot in the door.

Future-proof your career with no-code

If you want to keep up with the latest innovations in software development and stay ahead of the curve, you have to leave code behind. You’re only as skilled as the code you know, and the code you know only remains relevant until it’s eventually replaced. By learning how to build with no-code, you’re future-proofing your career and your education.

No-code web application development empowers non-tech business users to build high-quality applications without writing a single line of code—lowering barriers to entry and giving more people the opportunity to break into tech. By eliminating code, you can shift your focus away from the soon-to-be outdated code powering your software, and prioritize functionality instead. No-code visual interfaces and templated flows, as opposed to specific and hard-to-learn programming languages, never go out of style! As a result, a no-code education will only increase in value.   

At Unqork, we’re committed to helping as many people as possible experience what no-code has to offer, both now and in the future. That’s why we’ve recently ramped up our community outreach efforts and created the Unqork University Tech Track Program! This initiative, in partnership with Code Platoon and STEAM Train, helps people from underserved communities learn topical and practical skills that will help them break into tech. Veterans, military spouses, and women of color often don’t have the freedom to sit for a four-year degree and they need evergreen expertise to appeal to prospective employers. 

Learning how to build is more important than learning how to code, and the education our Tech Track trainees receive is well-suited for the job market. In fact, if a Tech Track participant successfully completes their training and passes their testing, they’re guaranteed a job as a full-time Application Specialist at Unqork. You just can’t beat that return on investment! To future-proof your career, check out the Unqork Academy and our other educational resources

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