5 min read

What’s Your No-Code Type?

At Unqork, we know no-code offers something for every kind of person. Choose which no-code persona fits you, and we’ll share some Unqork features you’ll love!

No-code is a true democratization of enterprise application development. After a short training period, anyone—no matter their prior tech experience—can bring their application idea to life using the Unqork platform’s visual interfaces, templated flows, and drag-and-drop functionality.

Over the years, we’ve found that no-code has something unique to offer everyone! We can even tell which aspects of our platform will be most intriguing to people with particular interests and personality traits. Let’s match you up with some of Unqork’s biggest benefits based on your no-code profile.

Unqork’s five no-code types

1. The Speedster

You might be The Speedster if you believe slow and steady doesn’t always win the race. You love beating the clock, and you’re always looking for ways to speed up development and get to market faster so you can outpace the competition. Unfortunately, building applications with code is incompatible with your need for speed.

With Unqork, you can actually build high-quality applications 3x faster! 

If The Speedster sounds like you, you’ll be most interested in how no-code speeds up enterprise application development. Development times are getting slower—thanks to software complexity, technical debt, and the tech talent shortage—but only if you build with code. With Unqork, you can actually build high-quality applications 3x faster! 

Since Unqork is entirely visual, it’s faster and easy to build complex applications and your team won’t have to spend countless hours debugging large codebases. Also, our team takes care of the critical backend security decisions for you so you can skip right to the good part—quickly developing new ideas that will push your enterprise forward. Looking to shave off even more time? Check out the Unqork Marketplace! It’s your one-stop shop for enterprise functionalities and products that snap into place with just a few clicks, which makes your development process even faster. 


Introducing the Unqork Marketplace.

2. The Optimizer

For The Optimizer, efficiency is the name of the game. Your analytical mind makes you an excellent problem-solver, and you wish every project could run like a well-oiled machine. You might even have a Google Doc full of ideas on how to improve operations. Outdated systems, slow manual workflows, and other inefficient processes really grind your gears.

Our cloud-native, API-based integration templates let you quickly and efficiently execute flows, which in turn helps you scale up process automation and business orchestration best practices.

If you’re The Optimizer, you want to know how the Unqork platform can help streamline your team’s processes. With Unqork, it’s never been easier to deliver value-adding projects on time and on budget. Our cloud-native, API-based integration templates let you quickly and efficiently execute flows, which in turn helps you scale up process automation and business orchestration best practices. Also, Unqork’s easy-to-apply business logic expands your technical capacity so you can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks that would otherwise require manual processes.  

All of these features speed up operations, reduce opportunities for human error, and help chip away at your project backlog

3. The Security Buff

The Security Buff is always up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity threats. You change your passwords every quarter like clockwork, and you never miss an opportunity to run a system update. You’ve noticed that the threat landscape has gotten larger lately, leading to concerns that the next big hack could be right around the corner. To your disappointment, the security features on some development platforms have left a lot to be desired. 

You’ll be happy to know that security is Unqork’s top priority if you’re The Security Buff. We’re your security partner in the cloud, and our platform is packed with features the ensure high availability, reliability, and security. 

Every application you build lives in a single-tenant,  cloud-agnostic infrastructure so you never have to worry about unintentional data loss from sharing server space with other customers.

Every application you build lives in a single-tenant,  cloud-agnostic infrastructure so you never have to worry about unintentional data loss from sharing server space with other customers. We continually assess and reassess our platform security with regular penetration testing, annual SOC Type II examinations, automated vulnerability monitoring, and more! When you build with us, you can trust that your customers and your data will be secure.   

4. The Saver

The Saver lives by the expression, “A penny saved is a penny earned!” You love a good deal, know how to stretch a dollar, and never met a problem that couldn’t be solved with a smart budget. Much to your dismay, large-scale tech project costs are skyrocketing! You want to keep costs down and maximize your enterprise’s funds, but code just isn’t cutting it.

Did you know that, with no-code, you can achieve 3x savings on your total cost of ownership when compared to a code/low-code approach?

Did you know that, with no-code, you can achieve 3x savings on your total cost of ownership when compared to a code/low-code approach? That’s music to your ears if you’re The Saver! Unqork’s no-code platform maximizes productivity so you can make the most of your tech budget, helps prevent project failure, and helps you pay down your technical debt by moving away from legacy systems. In fact, United States companies in the private sector spent a staggering $600 million alone on legacy maintenance in 2018. By breaking down monoliths into microservices, it’s faster and easier (and more cost-effective!) to pivot toward a code-free ecosystem. Reducing ongoing legacy maintenance costs keeps more money in your pocket and makes a significant dent in your technical debt. 

Still, The Saver knows that making smart moves with your money goes far beyond cutting costs. If you’re interested in seeing how the Unqork platform helps generate revenue, check out our article “Calculating the Business Value of No-Code.” In that article, we crunch the numbers and explain the no-code difference when it comes to driving value.

5. The Innovator

How do you know if you’re The Innovator? You’re energetic, curious, and full of ideas for the next great enterprise application. If it were completely up to you, you’d never stop creating. With code, however, you find it’s hard to flex your creative muscles. Making changes on the fly is challenging and time-consuming with code, and you have to wait until the entire application is finished before you can check that it reflects your vision.

Not only does this chip away at your project backlog, but it also gives you more time to implement new technologies and come up with new prototypes or MVPs.

If you’re the Innovator, you want a flexible application development platform that empowers you to create what you need and make easy adjustments when necessary. Unqork is the right fit! Since anyone with any tech experience level can build with our platform, you can involve more Creators in the development process. Not only does this chip away at your project backlog, but it also gives you more time to implement new technologies and come up with new prototypes or MVPs. Plus, the Unqork team takes care of all backend work so you can focus on big picture concerns.

Updating your application in response to stakeholder feedback or customer demands is fast, easy, and simple with Unqork. All changes made are reflected in the platform in real-time, so what you see is what you get. Plus, you no longer have to worry about crashing your entire application when you make small adjustments. With code no longer holding you back, you’re free to create and innovate as much as you can.

Meet Your Match!

No-code has something for everyone — that’s why we love it! No matter your professional background, you can create enterprise applications that drive business value and give your customers more of what they need. If you’re in the market for fast, easy, and completely code-free enterprise application development, give the Unqork platform a try! We’re confident that we’ll be the perfect fit.

Explore the Unqork platform by requesting a personalized demonstration with one of our in-house experts. Also, sign up for the Unqork newsletter for more no-code developments!

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