4 min read

Using No-Code to Boost Employee Engagement

By streamlining and simplifying application development, no-code can improve company culture and help employees find more joy and motivation in the workplace.

Over the course of the pandemic, the way we work has been examined under a microscope. For example, business leaders and HR professionals all over the world have realized flexible working arrangements are essential—not just for business continuity, but also for employee satisfaction. According to a FlexJobs survey, 76% of workers are more willing to stay with their current employer if they offer flexible working plans, and 21% reported that working remotely reduces their stress levels. 

As we learn more about the way people prefer to work, we’re also uncovering some harsh truths. There’s no shortage of recent research that indicates our current working and societal conditions are taking a very real toll on our mental health. Only 36% of employees are engaged in the workplace, and 38% of remote employees are exhausted by daily virtual meetings and calls. Depression rates among workers in the United States have risen a staggering 102% since the pandemic began, and 305% for millennial workers in particular. Something needs to change.

Revamping your company culture can promote happier, more engaged, and more successful employees, but it isn’t a one-step process. One simple thing you can do is change the technology you use for important enterprise operations. Here’s how you can use no-code tools to improve company culture and make your business a better place to be!

The link between technology and employee engagement

Right now, tech has the highest turnover rate out of every single business sector—according to a recent turnover report from LinkedIn, the tech sector has a turnover rate of 13.2%. Why? One reason is that today’s employees are struggling with burnout in record numbers. In a 2021 Indeed survey, just over half of all respondents reported feeling burnt out at their jobs and struggle to focus on tasks due to how tired and unmotivated they are. Everything from a poor work-life balance, to trouble disconnecting from work, to simply staring at a screen all day can burn out employees. 

According to a recent turnover report from LinkedIn, the tech sector has a turnover rate of 13.2%.

Along with burnout, many employees are generally unsatisfied with their current positions. Financial compensation is a top area where workers are unsatisfied, but many also wish for more career growth and advancement opportunities, increased job flexibility and security, and more recognition for their accomplishments.

Why is technology important when it comes to improving employee engagement? Shouldn’t it be more of a people issue? Think about how frustrating and time-consuming it is to perform even the most mundane tasks with a years-old computing system. In the worst cases, poor technology resources can actively make you unhappy at work. Working in a code-dependent enterprise is an excellent example of this. 

If your enterprise is overly reliant on code, most of your team’s day is spent hammering away at the same problems with tools that aren’t fit for the job. Keeping a code-built application live requires lots of routine maintenance that doesn’t utilize your team’s talents—as a result, everyone’s time is spent essentially “babysitting” the application. That’s enough to make anyone dread logging on in the morning! No-code offers you a better way to build, which helps you work smarter and makes your work more pleasant. 

How no-code tools pave the way for happier, healthier employees

No-code development allows anyone of any skill level to build sophisticated enterprise-grade applications without code. We know that drag-and-drop components, intuitive flows, and visual interfaces make it fast and easy to bring your ideas to life. But how can these features help your team be happier at work?

  • Ownership over new initiatives: No-code gives people the power to create the solutions they need to succeed. If an employee thinks an internal application would help their team break through a process bottleneck, they don’t have to wait for the tech team to build it for them. Instead, they can build the application and immediately start working more efficiently. Also, no-code gives employees the freedom to run with an innovative idea and push forward new, exciting initiatives.

  • Fostering collaboration: No-code empowers all team members to get involved in the application development process, which helps break down silos and improve collaboration. By learning to become better communicators and working with people they might not otherwise know, you and your team can reconnect to the enterprise’s overall mission. An easy way to jumpstart engagement is to remind everyone that we’re all in this together and create a strong support network based on collaboration.

  • Eliminating code: One of the best ways to improve your working environment is to supply employees with the right tools. That means eliminating code for good. No-code means no debugging, no legacy maintenance, no code anxiety, and no more tedious routine work. Eliminating these aspects of application development will go a long way towards making your employees happier and filling their days with interesting, value-adding tasks that let them flex their creative muscles. 


See why “low-code” tools are not the answer to employees’ debugging woes.

The Unqork platform is built to take care of all the high-volume, monotonous tasks of application development for you. This gives your employees more time to tackle low-volume, macro-level tasks like developing new ideas and creating business logic—the fun stuff people actually want to do! Using powerful no-code capabilities, Unqork can help you transform your company culture for happier employees, improved productivity, and better business overall.

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