5 min read

Unqork’s Operational Agility Checklist

Is your enterprise agile? Find out using this checklist, and learn how no-code can help your organization rapidly adjust to industry shifts.

The best way to prepare for disruption, stay competitive, and seamlessly navigate any changes the industry throws your way is to prioritize operational agility. Operational agility refers to your enterprise’s ability to adapt its operations and technologies to meet evolving business requirements, shifting market dynamics, and steadily increasing customer demands. 

Agile enterprises can make faster decisions, maintain continuous operations, increase revenue, and so much more! But how do you know if your enterprise is agile? If you can answer yes to the questions on the checklist below, your enterprise will thrive in the face of uncertainty.

How to tell if you’re operationally agile

1. Can your team innovate quickly and freely?

Your organization’s operational agility is determined by the tools you use. You must be able to quickly spin up applications in response to shifting customer expectations and capitalize on new ideas as soon as they arise. Unfortunately, building enterprise-grade web applications with code is too time-consuming—in fact, development times are actually slowing down. 

A no-code platform like Unqork promotes rapid application delivery by leveraging accessible pre-built components, which help developers quickly create application interfaces and build business logic. Developers can also access modular templates and accelerators that support industry-specific workflows, integrations, and analytics when using no-code. Since the Unqork platform is completely visual, it’s easy for developers to bring individual components together and rapidly build, modify, and validate custom applications.

All [of Unqork’s] no-code features help you shrink your project timelines and pare down dev cycles while giving your team the freedom to innovate.

Unqork’s no-code software also facilitates rapid prototyping so you can stay ahead of the curve. Any changes made to your team’s prototype are reflected immediately so you can present a fully functional prototype in a matter of hours, and it’s easy to include iterative feedback from business and tech teams. You’ll be able to respond to and accommodate fluctuating industry demands in a fraction of the time without any hassle. All these no-code features help you shrink your project timelines and pare down dev cycles while giving your team the freedom to innovate.

2. Are your business users able to solve everyday problems?

To be operationally agile, you don’t necessarily need a huge tech department filled with highly specialized engineers. It’s far more important to have the person who’s closest to a problem be the one who solves it. However, that’s nearly impossible with code. When only a few people have the coding expertise necessary to build applications or resolve everyday problems, it becomes much harder to quickly respond to industry shifts. There’s no time to waste if you want to be operationally agile!

That’s why at Unqork we empower non-tech business users to build the applications they need to work efficiently. We call these users “citizen developers” or “Creators” and they can use no-code’s visual components, drag-and-drop capabilities, and other intuitive features to build reliable, industry-specific applications. Through citizen development, business users can use no-code to take care of critical everyday tasks in ways they know how and easily make modifications when necessary.

Also, citizen developers can quickly adjust applications as soon as they need to, and meet shifting markets without requiring external support. With no-code citizen development, your business team will be more operationally agile and able to tackle changes on their own.

3. Do you have the right guardrails in place?

Even though citizen developers can help you move fast, you still need to strike the right balance between freedom and control. Your citizen developers should have the flexibility to build applications in response to business needs and external demands, but your tech teams should still have enough oversight to ensure business users work within set parameters and security requirements.

With role-based access control (RBAC), tech teams can ensure that citizen developers have the right amount of access to relevant applications. Unqork’s RBAC supports super-granular level and team-wide level rules, allowing for different users and permissions in different environments. Administrators can also preview permissions for each role they assign and view a combined permissions table, leading to improved management with fewer errors.

Unqork’s RBAC supports super-granular level and team-wide level rules, allowing for different users and permissions in different environments.

Along with enforcing RBAC, Unqork allows team leaders to version all forms, modules, and business rules of an application. Administrators can provide customized control and governance over who can perform changes and other modifications. With these guardrails in place, your team can exercise complete control over sensitive data held on the Unqork platform without sacrificing the security of your enterprise applications. 

4. Is your tech stack scalable and flexible?

To stay agile, you need a tech stack that grows with you. You don’t want to curb innovation simply because you don’t have the infrastructure in place to handle it! At Unqork, we built our platform with flexibility and scalability in mind. Our cloud-native, highly elastic architecture supports infinite upgrades, scale-ups, and patches with no downtime. We are also cloud-agnostic, meaning you can run your application on either Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.

With Unqork ExpressCloud, our fully managed security-first PaaS, you can promote reliable and continuous delivery even as your organization grows. ExpressCloud enables you to scale your app resources with ease and only pay for what you use—you can scale up, down, and even horizontally or vertically in order to optimize performance. Unqork ExpressCloud also enables you to separate configuration business logic from the code that executes in the browser, so you can target upkeep while keeping apps running.

The Unqork platform also supports seamless integrations with custom applications, external third-party solutions, and even legacy systems. Creators and developers can use APIs, custom integrations, or a blue-chip technology partner to integrate features and build applications that offer all the key functionality your customers need. Unqork also allows you to authenticate integrations using many methods, ensuring a safe and secure connection.

5. Are you working through your project backlog? 

When you’re dragging a long list of unfinished projects behind you, you lose the freedom to adapt. Project backlogs may seem like a minor issue compared to other challenges facing your organization, but they’re more common than you think. 65% of tech teams at enterprises with over 500 employees have at least 10 applications stuck in the queue, and another 15% have over 100 backlogged applications. What’s worse, project backlogs only get longer the more you put them off.

Unqork’s intuitive, visual, and easy-to-use platform enables every team member to bring their business ideas to life with no code. By getting the whole team involved in application development, everyone can tackle more—both projects in your backlog and brand new initiatives! Plus, since no-code doesn’t leave behind any legacy features or dead code, you can cross time-consuming maintenance off of your team’s to-do lists. 

Not only does Unqork’s democratization of no-code help your team tackle project backlogs of all sizes, but it also frees up more time for your developers. Your tech team can address long-put-off projects like technical debt, even as they attack backlogged projects and work toward future innovations.

Operational agility at the speed of no-code

If you answered yes to all five of these questions, congratulations! You have an operationally agile organization! If you didn’t quite make the cut, don’t worry. As an enterprise-grade no-code platform, Unqork has the tools you need to easily adapt to any disruptions, shifts, and new dynamics within your industry.

Our modular components, functional prototypes, and in-depth visibility help your team rapidly innovate. You can empower business users to build the apps they need to succeed on Unqork while ensuring IT administrators have the right safety measures in place, all in a flexible architecture that lets you grow and integrate without limits. All of these features help you and your developers find more time to comb through project backlogs and focus on future-proofing your application. Join the Unqork community to boost your operational agility today!

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