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Unqork + MongoDB Atlas: A Perfect Partnership

With Unqork and MongoDB Atlas, enterprises are able to build—and continuously improve—custom applications thanks to a platform that scales with the business. 

Unqork is the world’s first enterprise no-code application platform that helps organizations build custom software faster, with higher quality, and with lower costs than traditional approaches––all without a single line of code. As we continue our mission to transform enterprise development, we have found a trusted and like-minded partner in the Database as a Service (DBaaS) provider, MongoDB

The MongoDB Atlas database service provides our platform with the security and flexibility that helps us bring no-code to some of the world’s biggest enterprises. MongoDB’s document model and cloud-agnostic approach enables our clients to assemble and deploy complex updates for their applications at unprecedented speed, so their software can grow and evolve alongside their business. 

  • Unqork CTO Bassam Chaptini will participate in MongoDB.Live on Tuesday 11/17 @ 5 PM ET. Can’t watch live? Register here to watch sessions on-demand on your schedule.

Just as Unqork frees organizations from the traditional constraints of developing with code, MongoDB frees them from the traditional constraints of database design and management. Here are the three major drivers of value that MongoDB Atlas helps Unqork deliver to our customers:

Speed to Market

One of Unqork’s great value propositions is that we empower enterprises to rapidly develop robust solutions to address evolving business challenges. MongoDB Atlas is a crucial part of this acceleration because it completely eliminates the need to worry about managing database clusters across multiple clouds. 

“MongoDB Atlas gives us the ability to run our database on multiple clouds through the same service,” explains Unqork Founder and CEO Gary Hoberman. “With Atlas, we have the freedom from cloud vendor lock-in—each client can choose where they are the most comfortable hosting their data.” MongoDB Atlas enables easy and fast development because it provides:

  • A true multi-cloud DBaaS: Unqork is able to bring new customers onto its no-code platform fast by using the power of MongoDB Atlas APIs to set-up data clusters programmatically and manage them without the operational complexity of data replication and migration across clouds.

“MongoDB Atlas gives us the ability to run our database on multiple clouds through the same service. With Atlas, we have the freedom from lock-in—each client can choose where they are the most comfortable hosting their data.”

—Gary Hoberman, CEO and Founder, Unqork

  • Global clusters: MongoDB Atlas provides global cluster configurations that allow Unqork to quickly meet the local privacy and compliance regulations of its global customers across all industries.

  • Cloud-agnostic functionality: Because MongoDB Atlas can run on any cloud, this allows the Unqork platform to easily fit within its customers’ multi-cloud strategies. 

Build for the Future

With Unqork and MongoDB Atlas, enterprises are able to build—and continuously improve—custom applications thanks to technology that scales with the business. MongoDB allows businesses to easily navigate evolving challenges though:

  • Elastic scalability & native sharding: With MongoDB Atlas, Unqork customers are able to adjust the size, memory, and storage capacity of their clusters and scale them horizontally without downtime allowing them to provide a superior customer experience at scale.

  • Intelligent index & schema suggestions: MongoDB Atlas helps improve Unqork customers’ database performance by automatically analyzing collections experiencing poor performance and recommending index & schema suggestions.

  • BI Connector: The MongoDB BI Connector allows Unqork customers to use their BI platform to extract valuable insights from their flexible data model that will help them unlock their competitive advantage.

Trust, Reliability, and Security

Unqork works with large organizations across some of the world’s most regulated and complex sectors. As such, our clients—as well as their customers—have sky-high expectations for technology. 

“One of the big things that drew us to MongoDB Atlas over the other DBaaS providers was the security features,” Hoberman explains. “When we partner up with a client, we take over and support their most critical processes and data assets.” 

Unqork keeps all data encrypted in-transit and at-rest throughout the entire platform and Atlas allows each Unqork customer to have their own MongoDB instance with their own development and production environments. Because Atlas can run on any cloud, it allows Unqork to easily coordinate with its customers’ multi-cloud strategies.

MongoDB Atlas gives Unqork customers confidence in an enterprise-grade, open-source technology that is trusted, reliable, and secure. 

  • MongoDB is trusted by thousands of organizations: Unqork customers, as well as thousands of organizations from startups to industry leaders in the Fortune 100, entrust MongoDB with sensitive application- and user-data. MongoDB Atlas has been independently audited and meets compliance standards for data security.

  • It is highly available by default: In the rare case that a database node crashes, MongoDB Atlas will automatically perform a failover in seconds.

  • It provides advanced security features: Unqork keeps everything encrypted in-transit and at-rest throughout the entire platform, and MongoDB Atlas allows each Unqork customer to have their own MongoDB instance with their own development and production environments. 

Together, MongoDB and Unqork empower our customers to innovate with unprecedented speed, ease, and efficiency. 

Interested in learning more about how Unqork can be used in your organization? Schedule a personalized demonstration with one of our in-house experts and sign up for the Unqork newsletter to receive no-code news in your inbox.

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