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Power User Spotlight: Marsh’s Shivkumar Hemke

Marsh McLennan Software Engineer Shivkumar Hemke leverages no-code to create value-adding products

Shivkumar Hemke worked as a Software Engineer at Persistent Systems, a technology services company and Unqork systems integrator (SI) partner, for two and a half years before joining the engineering team at Marsh McLennan. Having always dreamed of being a software engineer, he understands the value of creating something from the ground up. Now, Shivkumar speaks to us about how newer technologies like no-code are revolutionizing the way he builds and shares ideas. 

What have you been working on with Unqork?

Shivkumar: I have worked on two different projects using Unqork. 

One was a hybrid web and mobile application for a US-based medical center, and the other was an insurance project that supports various complexities of placement. It automates manual underwriter processes, reducing underwriting from days’ time to hours’ time, and implements various journeys of insurance.

Unqork is very effective across both projects’ journeys. It makes our development fast and easy. I really love the simplicity that Unqork allows for building applications. 

What would your experience be like building these applications with code?

If you take on this similar project with any other technology, it would be time-consuming and require more resources. Using Unqork, we can develop very quickly with minimum resources. 

Without a no-code platform like Unqork, you would need more expertise to manage all the technologies required for things like UI, databases, APIs, and deployment. With Unqork, you only need to know how to use Unqork, which isn’t complex! You can simply focus on your business logic rather than computing the application.

If you take on this similar project with any other technology, it would be time-consuming and require more resources. Using Unqork, we can develop very quickly with minimum resources. 

We also have such a great community at Community Hub, where we can get answers very quickly if we are blocked on something or have any concerns or questions.

I have used a low-code system before using Unqork. Low-code systems require a complete application and integration setup just to get started. Unqork doesn’t require any of that. I just need access to our environment and I can get going from anywhere—even if my PC is damaged today, I can just pick up where I left off with my other PC by logging in.

How was your experience learning to use Unqork?

It took me just three to four weeks to be comfortable enough to start using Unqork for a specific project, and around two months to gain expertise. Initially, I had gone through the Bootcamp, which was very easy to learn and understand the video lectures and Academy Documentation. Bootcamp Assignments gave me enough confidence to start with a project. Unqork Community also plays a great role while you are learning Unqork and get blocked somewhere; you get answers from experts and different, cool ways to implement any functionality.

Any specific features or functionalities you love?

I didn’t think no-code could provide such flexibility. Using these, we can definitely create an advanced look and design to our Applications.

There are many things that are my favorite—like Data Workflow and Calculator making operation/business logic simpler, Panel as a Modal—but what I thought was awesome were the Timer component and ViewGrid with Custom CSS. Timer component can be used in many ways, like if you need to perform different actions after a particular time (e.g., seconds). ViewGrid is used when you want to view your records and perform further action. The custom CSS allows you to give your records whatever look you want, such as a Bootstrap card structure. 

I didn’t think no-code could provide such flexibility. Using these, we can definitely create an advanced look and design to our Applications.

Do you have any tips for Creators who are just getting started?

Starting with Academy learnings, don’t limit yourself with only Module and Workflow. There are many features from basic to advanced like using components, loops, and RBAC. Go ahead with the training environment, get hands-on with exploring the different functionalities and logics, and just try using it to understand the purpose of each thing. I recommend using and understanding Administration and UDLC Toolkit—especially Service Logs, which is really helpful while debugging.

As far as best practices, while building APIs, make sure to build complete layers (like proxy layer, Remote Execute) and utilize Server Side Execution and Error Handling. And if you follow consistent naming conventions, it’ll be a lot easier for other developers to understand your flow, allowing them to take on the changes. Unqork allows multiple developers to work on the same application, so keeping things consistent is key for any Creator who wants to jump in.

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