
Power User Spotlight: Accenture’s Prem Sai Akash Naidu

An Application Development Analyst at Accenture, Prem Sai Akash Naidu discusses his rapid path to become a Professional Configuratorand his submission to the 2022 Unqork Creator Hackathon.

Accenture Application Development Analyst Prem Sai Akash, a recent university graduate, was first introduced to the Unqork platform four months ago and is already busy building complex applications for Accenture’s enterprise clients. He tells us why Unqork enables him and his team to create applications so quickly, shares best practices for naming and organizing components, sings the praises of Unqork Community, and tells us about his submission for the 2022 Unqork Creator Hackathon, which was honored as one of four finalists. 


Watch the winners of the 2022 Unqork Creator Hackathon discussing their entries 

1. Tell us about the application you submitted for the Hackathon.  

Prem Sai Akash Naidu: I built a Rock Paper Scissors game, a 2-player game where both players throw one of three symbols (rock, paper, scissors). Each symbol wins over one of the other symbols and loses to the other (i.e., rock wins over scissors, but loses to paper). If both the players throw the same symbol, the game is a tie.  

In the application I created, the first player is presented with three buttons (one for each symbol). For the second player, I configured logic so that whenever the first player hits any of the three buttons, the second player’s symbol is automatically generated. Then the application evaluates both symbols, determines the winner, displays the results, and adds this result to a scoreboard.  


2. Did the Unqork platform help unlock your creativity? Move faster?

Unqork definitely helps you build applications faster. Unqork Marketplace provides snippets that can meet some of your requirements without having to build anything from scratch, which helps you configure applications faster. In addition to snippets, components available on the Unqork platform make configuration easy, thanks to the various configuration settings that are available.  

“Unqork definitely helps you build applications faster. Unqork Marketplace provides snippets that can meet some of your requirements without having to build anything from scratch, which helps you configure applications faster.”

— Prem Sai Akash Naidu, Application Development Analyst at Accenture

Everyone I know who works with Unqork says it lets you build applications faster, and here are just a few of the reasons why: 

  • Integration with third-party APIs is simple. 
  • Deployment is accelerated. 
  • You can easily add new features to an existing application. 
  • It’s easy to roll back changes. 
  • Many components come with features like validations, unit testing, and debugging.  

3. Were you able to include elements that would not have been possible with traditional code or low code? 

Unqork makes it easy for our teams to build applications in a simple way. For example, it is quite easy to perform validations in Unqork, compared to doing so in a traditional environment.  Unqork also makes it easy to do third-party integrations. Components like Decision, Calculator and Data workflows provide an option to configurators to perform unit-testing, which is really helpful when you are configuring. 

4. How long have you been using Unqork, and how quickly were you able to get up and running? 

It’s been four months and I’ve really liked it so far. I started with two weeks of training and self-learning from Unqork Academy. Since then, I have earned Associate and Professional Certifications. Unqork Community is another valuable resource as a new Creator where I learn from my peers. Members share different approaches to a challenge, teach each other new techniques, and help you make the most of Unqork.

5. Do you have any best practices you would like to share with your fellow Creators? 

Here are some of the practices that I follow to make components easy to find and reuse. First of all, I use CamelCase (i.e., capitalizing the first letter of each word except the first, and not using spaces) to name components, and give each one a unique and meaningful title. It is also helpful to place the Data & Event processing components in the order of their usage, so that fellow Creators can more easily understand how they are configured and used. Then I use the notes feature, which is present in most components. This makes it as clear as possible to fellow Creators what the component does. Finally, it is better to organize components using panels or file groups (i.e., a storage unit that houses components thematically) to make them easier to find.

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