
Faster… Better… Cheaper… Codeless!

How powerful is Codeless? Recent Unqork platform data demonstrates the value our customers are generating right now. Dive into the numbers with us!

The results are in, and usage data for Unqork’s codeless platform in Q2 2022 tell a consistent story of growth and value creation. Adoption and usage of Unqork’s codeless platform is increasing sharply. Bugs and other potentially costly issues—already extremely low—continue to shrink. And productivity of Unqork Creators is growing by leaps and bounds.  



For example, to replicate the applications they built on Unqork’s codeless platform in Q2 alone, Unqork’s customers would have had to write an estimated 75 million lines of code. That is up nearly 50 percent from Q1 2022. 

To replicate the applications they built on Unqork’s codeless platform in Q2 alone, Unqork’s customers would have had to write an estimated 75 million lines of code.

This huge uptick in application creation is, in turn, reflected in two remarkable statistics. First, the number of users on the platform continues its steady climb, from under 1,500 to nearly 1,700, or nearly 15% in a single quarter. 

And the Creators on the platform were significantly more productive, producing on average the equivalent of 44,000 lines of code (44 KLOCs) in Q2, versus only 35 in Q1—a 25% increase. 

In addition to accelerating application creation, Unqork’s platform is whipping out higher-quality apps, the data shows. Production issues per KLOC fell sharply. Finally, the number of service tickets logged by Unqork customers per project have also continued their steady fall. 



So it’s all in the numbers. More developers are using Unqork’s platform. They are more productive. They are experiencing even fewer issues. And by going codeless, they have—in just one quarter—saved themselves from having to manage an estimated 75 million fewer LOCs. 

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