4 min read

Is Your Enterprise In a Rut? Try No-Code.

What can you do when your enterprise is at a standstill? With no-code, you can quickly overcome stagnation and get back to business.

Enterprises are like sharks—they need to keep moving to survive! It might not be realistic to imagine your organization endlessly driving new projects at 110%, but you have to innovate on a regular basis and adjust your processes to stay sharp. If you don’t, your business will go stagnant and insufficient growth and development will result in missed opportunities, financial losses, and more.

Don’t worry! It’s possible for your enterprise to stave stagnation, especially if you have the right tools. Here’s how no-code can help you get back into the zone and stay ahead of the competition.

Is your business stagnant?

When an economy is in a prolonged period of little or no growth—defined as economic growth of less than 2% annually—it becomes stagnant. In addition to general low performance, economic stagnation is also characterized by periods of high unemployment or underemployment, no wage increases, and no stock market booms. Sometimes stagnation is temporary, as is the case during a short growth recession, but it can also stick around long-term. 

Like the global economy, businesses can go stagnant as well. Of course, industries fluctuate and some quarters are better than others. But if you’re experiencing a prolonged period of little to no growth, it may be cause for concern. Here are four signs that your business is about to go stagnant: 

1. You’re running on outdated manual processes.

Outdated processes are a classic sign of business stagnation. Manual workflows are inefficient, time-consuming, and often one step behind modern business processes. By forcing administrators to move between disparate tools and communication channels, manual processes are difficult to use and far more prone to human error. This makes it hard for manual workflows to align with how organizations work today. 

Manual workflows are inefficient, time-consuming, and often one step behind modern business processes.

2. Your employees are dissatisfied, and you’re suffering from rapid turnover.

Since the pandemic began, more employees have been struggling with burnout than ever before. Unfortunately, the enterprise tech industry is one of the worst offenders. Developers are overworked, understimulated, and spend the majority of their time working on mundane tasks that don’t put their skills to good use. Also, at a 13.2% turnover rate according to LinkedIn, enterprise tech has the highest turnover rate of all business sectors. If that disengagement spreads and you don’t boost engagement throughout your organization, you’ll lose the employees who could’ve helped you stay ahead of the competition.

3. You seem to be out of fresh ideas.

Take a moment to think about the last time your company released something ground-breaking or had a thrilling project in your pipeline. If your team can’t effectively innovate and build things that will help push your business forward, they can’t get excited about your company’s future. Initiatives that don’t relate to your company’s core values and missions can also lead to stagnation.

4. Your enterprise is dependent on code.

When your organization is overly reliant on code, it’s easy to use the same tools to solve the same problems instead of finding new and better ways to streamline operations. Plus, working with code forces your team to spend all their time debugging and dealing with legacy code, which further adds to your project backlog. All this time and effort takes away opportunities for innovation.

Going stagnant sounds scary, but there’s always time to course-correct and breathe new life into your business. All you need is the right technology: no-code!

Get back to business with no-code software

If your enterprise is stuck in the doldrums, switching to no-code is just what you need to get moving again. Building applications with code is time-consuming, complicated, and often frustrating for your talented teams. Plus, the legacy maintenance costs and technical debt you accrue with code prevent you from generating revenue. These factors (and more!) can bring your business to a standstill. Here’s how no-code gives your business the jumpstart it needs to stave off going stagnant:

Digitize manual processes

Robust no-code tools automate manual tasks and efficiently execute customizable workflows. With enterprise-grade automation that supports flexibility and simplified management, Unqork enables you to easily scale process automation without compromising performance or security. Digitizing repetitive tasks also lets your teams expedite operations and reduce opportunities for human error, leaving more time for new and exciting projects. 

Robust no-code tools automate manual tasks and efficiently execute customizable workflows. With enterprise-grade automation that supports flexibility and simplified management, Unqork enables you to easily scale…

Boost productivity

No-code empowers all kinds of users to create the solutions they need to succeed, so they can work efficiently and without mental overload. Drag-and-drop features, visual workflows, and supplemental verbal cues allow your employees to collaborate and make modifications quickly and intuitively with no long trading periods necessary. Even remote workers can get started right away. Also, Unqork’s no-code workflows are reusable, which saves your team even more time and energy when developing applications. All this goes a long way towards helping your employees focus on creative projects that drive business value.

Support innovation and stay agile

Unqork’s microservices-based approach speeds up development times and makes it easy to scale applications up or down as needs change, so you can meet new market demands as soon as they arise. You can also enterprise-grade APIs to connect to third-party services and offer customers more of what they want, the moment they want them. This helps you adapt to changes quickly, reliably, and before your competitors. Plus, finding and adding the functions you need has never been easier thanks to the Unqork Marketplace, our one-stop-shop for enterprise functionality.

Get rid of code, for good

With visual interfaces, drag-and-drop components, and streamlined integrations, no-code enables you to speed up and simplify application development. You’ll spend less time, energy, resources, and staff talent on maintaining code-based applications, and instead devote all of that passion to new projects that outperform the competition. 

At Unqork, we can help you transition from code-based systems to no-code at your own pace, and the educational resources we provide will help your team members quickly learn the ropes. Your business will be back to booming in no time!

Stop stagnation with Unqork

The prospect of going stagnant is scary, but no-code is here to help you get out of a rut—and stay out! Unqork can help you automate manual processes, boost efficiency, and rapidly adapt to changing markets on a completely visual platform. Try Unqork today to experience how the power of no-code can keep moving your business forward.

Request a personalized demonstration of Unqork with one of our in-house experts. Also, sign up for the Unqork newsletter to learn more about no-code!

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