
In the Media: Forbes Article Calls Unqork a “2021 Unicorn IPO”


A recent Forbes article described the ascendent “No-Code moment” and Unqork’s place at the center of it.


In a recent Forbes article, contributor Robert C. Wolcott explored “The No-Code Movement” and places Unqork at the center of it, stating that “Unqork will be a unicorn IPO of the next couple of years.”

Wolcott describes this no-code movement promise as the potential “to bring anyone’s ideas closer to reality. Individuals with little to no coding experience will increasingly be able to manifest their ideas via IT systems without the time, cost, complexity and layers of miscommunication that often arise during traditional software development.”

The article features a Zoom (of course) interview with Unqork CEO Gary Hoberman, who emphasizes that no-code’s purpose is “not to displace engineers,” but to empower engineers to do their best work instead of busy-work.

“I’m an engineer. It’s a skill. It’s an art form,” Hoberman said. “If you look at engineers as chefs, right now many of them are flipping burgers instead of creating Michelin-star meals.”

The two also discussed Unqork’s work helping the city of New York City connect remotely with citizens in the midst of the pandemic. Through the partnership, the city created a series of robust applications (including a COVID-19 engagement portal, a food-delivery service for vulnerable New Yorkers, and an online marriage license portal), some created in just 72 hours. 

“Compare that to traditional enterprise software development,” Wolcott writes, “where a month gets you a rough draft business requirements document— at best— and that’s typically before any coding occurs.”

Check out the full article over on Forbes.


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