4 min read

ERP Systems Are Holding Back Your Enterprise

Many businesses use ERP systems to automate processes—but ERP suites are often slow, expensive, and overly complex. With no-code, there’s a better way.

In today’s world of digital transformation, businesses rely on automated systems more and more. These innovations can help organizations cut down on repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and outperform the competition. One such innovation is the ERP system, which enables you to automate routine operations and simplify business processes. 

However, ERP systems might not be all they’re cracked up to be—especially when it comes to the speed, simplicity, and savings many businesses want today. Let’s dive into what an ERP system is and how they can inhibit your enterprise’s success.

ERP 101

An Enterprise Resource Planning system, also known as an ERP suite, brings all the core applications necessary to run an entire company together into a single system. All these different applications share a central database within the ERP, giving team leads the visibility they need to uncover process improvements and increase efficiency. The overarching goal of an ERP suite is to help everyone focus on more value-adding projects through task automation.

ERP systems use a defined and standardized data structure to keep everyone on the same page. That means any information entered by one department can be accessed by authorized users across the enterprise. Every ERP suite includes a common database, consistent UX/UI, business process integration, automation, and data analysis.

Large enterprises have been using ERP systems since the ‘90s. ERP suites can speed up internal processes across departments, increase access to workflows across the enterprise, and simplify processes through automation. Also, using an ERP lets you centralize all your IT-related costs. Despite these advantages, it might be time for ERP-centric enterprises to make a change.

The disadvantages of working with ERP systems

The issue with ERP suites is that they’re comprised of multiple code-dependent applications designed to fit the needs of each individual department. Each of these applications requires numerous upgrades and patches that aren’t properly documented. Also, ERP systems are challenging to update because they’re often written in outdated programming languages

In fact, according to a recent ASUG survey, 41% of 110 SAP companies surveyed rely on ERP suites outfitted with applications created at least six years ago. 

As a result, many enterprises wind up with a huge legacy environment at the core of their processes. In fact, according to a recent ASUG survey, 41% of 110 SAP companies surveyed rely on ERP suites outfitted with applications created at least six years ago. These massive legacy systems make it impossible for organizations to innovate.

Other key disadvantages of ERP suites include:

  • High start-up costs: The upfront cost of a traditional ERP system is often prohibitively high for some businesses, and you can easily wind up spending upwards of five figures on a single license. You’ll also likely need to pay for installation costs and professional training sessions from the vendor. 

  • Slow data migration: When you start out with an ERP system, you’ll have to manually input your data into the new format. The more data you have, the longer this will take. Plus, you’ll have to check for manual errors and fix the ones that inevitably arise.

  • Complexity: ERP systems are designed to house numerous applications and support numerous capabilities, but that also makes the software difficult to use. Many enterprises don’t see a significant enough return on investment because their ERP is too large and complex to work with.

Unfortunately, code-based ERP suites with unwieldy and complex legacy environments are far too common in the enterprise tech space. It takes a ton of time, money, and developer expertise to maintain a large ERP, making digital transformation particularly difficult. For a better option, enterprises should turn to a no-code approach.

Modernize and optimize with no-code

While there are some benefits to using an ERP system, it doesn’t compare to the flexibility and efficiency that no-code can offer your business. With a no-code development platform like Unqork, you can build enterprise-grade applications, securely store data, and digitally transform without relying on bulky ERP systems. 

Our microservices architecture lets you build apps using individual components that are loosely coupled but not linked, meaning a single failure won’t take down your entire application. Microservices also let you take a modular approach towards application building, so you can replace what you want and keep what still works. In fact, Unqork allows you to work around existing legacy and ERP systems until you’re ready to transition away from them. Integrate the old with the no editable codebases to maintain or upgrade, giving you the short-term agility and flexibility you need to keep moving forward.

Also, the Unqork platform lets you automate repetitive actions so you can eliminate manual flows and streamline operations. Our enterprise-grade automation capabilities, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, help you easily get rid of repetitive tasks reliant on manual processes. Instead, customizable workflows and templates help you quickly execute efficient workflows that automate these error-prone and time-consuming actions. When it comes to automating critical tasks and creating a future-proof enterprise system, nothing beats building on a no-code platform like Unqork. 

Experience the Unqork platform for yourself, and request a personalized demonstration with one of our in-house experts. Plus, sign up for the Unqork newsletter to learn more about no-code.

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