3 min read

Is Project Management Becoming a Full-Time Job? It May Be Your Tech Stack’s Fault.

Successfully managing a large-scale tech project can be challenging, especially if you’re building with code. Unqork is here to help!

Effective project management is integral to the success of any modern enterprise. In fact, statistics show that 73% of organizations with a formal project management strategy meet their goals most often. Also, enterprises that implement project management best practices spend 28 times less money than enterprises that don’t!

It’s clear that effective project management drives results, but it can be challenging to negotiate all of the moving parts. There are budgets to set, resources to allocate, project statuses to track, releases to help organize, and so much more. According to research from the Project Management Institute, teams waste 11.4% of their resources due to inefficient project management processes. This can increase the risk of project failure by 66%!

At Unqork, we want to understand why that is and how we can help. Let’s take a look at some of the most pressing challenges facing project managers today, and explore how building with no-code can strengthen project management.

Key project management challenges

The biggest challenge project managers face is delivering a project on time, and at or under budget. However, when it comes to large-scale tech projects, that’s far easier said than done. According to McKinsey, the average large-scale tech project runs 66% over budget and 33% past the scheduled deadline—delivering 17% less value as a result. How does this happen?

According to McKinsey, the average large-scale tech project runs 66% over budget and 33% past the scheduled deadline—delivering 17% less value as a result.

The problem is code. Building with code requires you to hire specialized engineers in various programming languages, which means spending more on hiring and outsourcing. Also, no matter how well you hire, building an application with code can easily take upwards of a year. Other challenges with project management and code include:

  • Adapting to change: Making modifications of any kind takes a long time when you’re working with code, plus you risk unraveling the entire application. Also, it’s nearly impossible to structure helpful, actionable feedback. When tech teams aren’t able to adapt quickly to changing requirements and must go back to the drawing board each time, it becomes harder and harder to deliver a project on time.

  • Lack of communication and collaboration: When you build with code, it’s natural for application development to break down into silos. The business team communicates their needs to the coders and the coders return months later, often without checking in, with an application that may or may not be the right fit. Now, the tech team has to incorporate feedback after the fact and start over. This back and forth significantly extends project completion times. 

  • Finding the right people for the right project: Working with an elite team, large or small, is key to boosting operational efficiency and completing value-driving projects on time. Unfortunately, due to the tech skills shortage, it’s become harder and harder to find engineers who have experience with older programming languages like COBOL. Struggling to find the right talent can delay project start dates and finding the funds to hire and retain that talent can quickly drive up costs. 

Project management best practices aren’t always possible when you’re working on a code-based application. With no-code, you can give project managers the tools they need to foster transparency, productivity, and efficiency throughout a project’s lifespan.

How no-code can help

No-code makes it significantly easier for project managers to meet key constraints. You can build an application 3x faster and for 3x less when building on a no-code platform, and these cost and time savings go a long way to meeting project deadlines. Also, you won’t have to worry about hiring specialized engineers or developers to see your project through to completion—anyone can build with no code after a short training period. That means you can focus on innovation and hiring team players who drive value, not checking off boxes on a list.

Unqork enables you to delineate roles and permissions using RBAC, which allows project managers to control access to individual workspaces. Have you ever had a project become muddled because there were too many people making changes in the wrong workspace? RBAC ensures that everyone can see their relevant work, which streamlines the process and eliminates any confusion around who should be doing what.


The Logs Dashboard helps ensure environments are running correctly by surfacing any abnormalities that may merit attention.

The Unqork platform can also help project managers keep an eye on changes and stay up to date on projects in flight. All modifications to your application are reflected in real-time on Unqork, meaning you’re always looking at the most up-to-date version of your app. If you need to revisit an older version for any reason, that’s not a problem! Unqork records and stores every submission change from creation until the present, so you can access any version of your app whenever you need it. With Unqork’s no-code fueling your project management, nothing can get in the way of efficient application development!

Request a personalized demonstration of the Unqork platform with one of our in-house experts, and sign up for the Unqork newsletter for more no-code news.

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