2 min read

All About FedRAMP: Why Unqork is Pursuing Ultimate Security for Its Federal Customers

Jeff Roth, Unqork’s FedRAMP Program Manager, answers FAQs about the necessity of the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program—and why Unqork is seeking authorization.

Unqork announced that it has achieved “In Process” status for the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). Our very own Jeff Roth (FedRAMP Program Manager) answers the most frequently asked questions surrounding FedRAMP; mainly, why is it so important for a SaaS offering to be FedRAMP certified?

“[G]overnment will only buy tech products that meet certain cybersecurity standards, which will have a ripple effect across the software industry, in our view, ultimately improving security for all Americans.” —President Biden, August 25, 2021

What is the purpose of FedRAMP?

Jeff: Established in 2011, FedRAMP provides a cost-effective, risk-based approach for the adoption and use of cloud services by the Federal Government. FedRAMP enables and truly empowers agencies to much more confidently select Cloud Service Solutions from a trusted marketplace of modern cloud technologies that have a proven emphasis for security and protection of federal information.

FedRAMP authorization processes enable the ability to “authorize once, use many times”. Ultimately, this reduces lead times for US Federal, State, and Local acquisitions of Unqork’s no-code services. Once FedRAMP is “Authorized”, Unqork will leverage reciprocity with StateRAMP Marketplace to expand State and Local access to Unqork’s proven no-code application development capabilities.

Why is FedRAMP important for Unqork? 

The Unqork FedRAMP SaaS service offering provides our customer base with a robust security posture that clearly and accurately aligns with more than just the National Institute of Standards and Technology—it becomes the foundation to further expand compliance frameworks such as ISO 27001 and CSA Star.

Furthermore, US Government contractors can leverage Unqork’s no-code SaaS FedRAMP authorized service to address moderate impact information processing in support of their existing and emerging customer base. This approach can reduce time to develop and deploy needed administrative processes.

What does FedRAMP mean to Government customers? 

The Unqork no-code SaaS services provide U.S. Government agencies and DoD Component commands the ability to rapidly develop agile enterprise and mission-specific applications that will readily meet FedRAMP and DoD SRG authorization requirements.

With the FedRAMP Agency authorization of our no-code application services, US Government customers will be able to increase agility and cost-effectively develop their necessary enterprise-wide and single-focus applications.  

The Unqork no-code SaaS services provide U.S. Government agencies and DoD Component commands the ability to rapidly develop agile enterprise and mission-specific applications that will readily meet FedRAMP and DoD SRG authorization requirements. On-time, on-schedule, and secure.

What does FedRAMP mean for other customers (SLED, commercial, etc.)?

The authorization process to achieve FedRAMP compliance and keep up with Federal Government standards is rigorous. This should establish trust in Unqork’s no-code service offerings across all sectors, like State and Local Government and even commercial industries like insurance.

Where is Unqork currently in the process?

Currently, Unqork has the FedRAMP Agency partnership with Health and Human Services with an “In Process” designation. Final Agency Authorization to Operate is estimated to be obtained in or around the Summer of 2022, with a listing on the FedRAMP Marketplace by mid-Fall 2022.

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