5 min read

3 Innovation Challenges (and 3 No-Code Solutions)


Most enterprises in today’s top industries already have an online presence and recognize the importance of digital transformation. However, having an enterprise-grade web application is just the tip of the iceberg. Industry leaders must cultivate innovative ideas, develop new applications and features, and get them to market in time to delight users and stay ahead of the competition.

Unfortunately, many IT teams today spend the majority of their development time maintaining old systems instead of developing new features. This relegates innovation—what companies really set out to do—to the back burner and prevents them from reaching their true potential. What’s keeping enterprises from innovating new technologies, implementing them quickly, and pushing past competitors?

3 Innovation Challenges…

1. Project Backlogs

One simple reason why enterprises have trouble innovating is that traditional development methods for building applications are just too slow. Complex programs make it difficult to develop new applications in time to meet deadlines, and every time a developer adds to an already enormous codebase, the bugs become harder (and take longer) to fix.

On average, an enterprise solution takes anywhere from nine months to a full year to create using code, and that’s if everything goes exactly as planned. If there’s substantive feedback from stakeholders or beta users, developers must go back to the drawing board and re-code the entire application. This can add months to the already lengthy development process. 

As such, it’s not uncommon for large-scale IT projects to run over budget and over time while delivering less value than expected. These delays contribute to an ever-growing project backlog that increases technical debt and further inhibits new developments.

2. Keeping Up With Change

Even if application teams manage to complete projects in a timely manner, the development process doesn’t stop there. Your application will not, and should not, stay the same over time—there are bugs to fix, existing features to enhance, and updates required to meet ever-changing demands. 

You must also account for customer feedback and user metrics, which help you understand your application’s user experience. This enables you to innovate accordingly and provide capabilities that keep users coming back. Collecting usage metrics like session duration, stickiness, abandonment, and the number of active users will help you provide actual value to end-users. However, these metrics are meaningless if they don’t inform rapid product modifications.

If it takes months to respond to these metrics and upgrade your app, customers may decide to take their business elsewhere. Code-based development platforms don’t offer the flexibility, agility, and maneuverability required to keep your application up-to-date and on time.

If it takes months to respond to these metrics and upgrade your app, customers may decide to take their business elsewhere. Code-based development platforms don’t offer the flexibility, agility, and maneuverability required to keep your application up-to-date and on time. If you rely on traditional code-based development methods, you’ll miss out on opportunities to tap into emerging trends in time to get to market. 

3. Meeting Basic Requirements

When building with code, it’s easy to fall into the trap of the “Pick Two” Project Triangle where a project can only be two out of the following three elements—good, fast, or cheap. Unfortunately, many enterprises choose fast and cheap in order to get to market in time. As a result, teams often wind up sacrificing basic requirements like security for the sake of launch speeds.

Right now, security, in particular, cannot be ignored. Security breaches are more common than ever, costing enterprises more than just lost time and customers—in 2020, the average total financial cost of a data breach in the United States was a terrifying $8.64 million

Out of identified web application vulnerabilities, 82% were located in the application code. This points to code’s insecurity and lack of safety. Security requirements are best met when all sides of the project triangle—good, fast, and affordable—are brought together in harmony. Unfortunately, this just isn’t possible with code.


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… and 3 Ways No-Code Can Solve Them

1. Build Applications Fast

With a no-code application development platform, you can build a sophisticated and functional application in a fraction of the time and for the fraction of the cost of traditional development. With Unqork’s visual interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality, you can connect components and easily build flows. No-code can help you launch applications in a matter of weeks or even days, so you can have three or four apps move from ideation to launch in the time it takes your competitors to generate a single application.

Since anyone can build with no-code regardless of formal technical training, more collaborators can be brought into the development process. This will help chip away at your project backlog and frees up your IT team to focus on innovation. Also, the Unqork team takes care of all time-consuming backend tasks for you, leaving you and your team free to create and implement new technologies. 

2. Build Future-Proof Applications

If you think it’s impossible to prepare for the future, think again. No-code development platforms are built for agility and allow you to make changes to any application on the fly. Implementing updates based on stakeholder feedback and customer demands is fast, easy, and simple with Unqork’s no-code platform. 

Changes made are reflected on the platform in real-time, so what you see is what you get. This enables you to iterate without fear and confidently make small adjustments that won’t crash your application. No-code platforms also help you face the future by giving you the power to create the apps you need when you need them, so your customers can quickly get more of what they want.

As you scale up in size and complexity, you can connect with other platforms and developers to add more services using integrations. This will help you meet customer demands without falling behind. When it’s this easy to build and update sophisticated applications, you’re ready to meet anything the future throws your way.

3. Build High-Quality Applications 

With no-code, you can have it all—an application of superior quality that’s easy and cost-effective to build. Since Unqork does all the backend work for you, there’s no need to worry about whether or not your flows will actually work. Instead, Unqork’s no-code platform allows you to focus on your business logic and concentrate on coming up with brilliant new solutions.

Once you have your next big idea, no-code makes it easier to collaborate across teams and enterprises. The end result will be more reflective of everyone’s business needs, which helps team members create better, stronger, and more focused applications. Also, the Unqork platform is built specifically with enterprise security concerns in mind, ensuring your application’s compliance with the highest security standards.

Create, Accelerate, and Innovate With Unqork

In today’s competitive market, it can be challenging to innovate and stay relevant. That is, it can be challenging to do so without the right tools. No-code is the best way to tackle common innovation challenges head-on like project backlogs and an inability to keep up with change. Unqork can help you build high-quality, future-proof applications that deliver on relevant requirements faster than you ever imagined. 

To learn more about how no-code is preparing us for the future, sign up for the Unqork newsletter. Schedule a personalized demonstration with one of our in-house experts today to see how no-code can help your business stay competitive.

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