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Unqork’s Rapid Growth Continues in the First Half of 2021

Enterprise no-code leader sees headcount increase 74%, total revenue 277% YoY as the company adds key roles to leadership team


NEW YORK – July 14, 2021 – Unqork, the leading enterprise no-code platform, has continued to experience a period of rapid growth in the first half of 2021, hitting several momentum benchmarks while adding Chief Revenue Officer Philip Lacor, General Counsel Lori Hoberman, Chief Information Security Officer Marcos Christodonte II, and launching the Unqork Marketplace, the first-ever no-code marketplace.

As leading businesses and government entities increasingly turn to Unqork’s enterprise no-code platform, the company has invested to meet demand. Unqork’s headcount surpassed 500 in Q2, a YoY increase of more than 70% and more than double the headcount the company had at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. Unqork is also expanding its workforce globally, to meet the growing demand for Unqork’s platform from customers in EMEA and APAC.  

Unqork’s total revenue increased 277% YoY in Q1, and Unqork has more than doubled its customer base in the same window. Unqork is rapidly expanding its robust partner ecosystem, adding 37 new solutions and technology partners in the first half of 2021, accelerating the adoption of Unqork across its core industry verticals. 

“Unqork’s continued growth is driving a question in enterprise software, are you still creating legacy or are you using Unqork?” said Gary Hoberman, founder and CEO, Unqork. “Every line of code becomes legacy the second it goes live and somebody has to be responsible for maintaining it. As the complexity and volume of software increases, that burden piles up on software engineers. Unqork’s unique no-code approach makes it the only enterprise application development platform that ends legacy while allowing customers to bring solutions to market faster, at a lower cost of ownership and a higher quality.”

Unqork’s ongoing growth is a result of the unique value proposition its enterprise no-code platform offers to organizations in every industry: a no-code approach to software development that brings mission-critical applications to market faster, at a lower cost and at a significantly higher quality than methods that depend on writing code. Particularly, the maintenance and patching burden that legacy code requires keeps software engineers from creating new innovative software to give their businesses a competitive edge. Unqork frees those teams up to focus on adding value instead of rewriting legacy code. 

To learn more about how Unqork is shaping the future of how mission-critical, enterprise software gets built, visit Unqork.com. 


About Unqork

Unqork is the industry pioneer no-code enterprise application platform that helps large companies build, deploy, and manage complex applications without writing a single line of code. Organizations like Goldman Sachs, Liberty Mutual, the Cities of New York, Chicago and Washington, DC and Maimonides Medical Center are using Unqork’s drag-and-drop interface to build enterprise applications faster, with higher quality, and lower costs than conventional approaches. To learn more, please visit: https://unqork.com.


Media Contact

Dana Davis
