Eliminating the Burden of Code Means More for the Mission

Unqork empowers government agencies to focus on their mission, liberates them from the complexities of coding and maintenance, and enables unparalleled efficiency and innovation

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Unqork for Government

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, government agencies are tasked with the critical mission of delivering efficient and innovative solutions to serve the needs of citizens. In this endeavor, the complexities of traditional software development can often hinder progress. That’s why we at Unqork are proud to offer a revolutionary approach.

Unqork Life & Annuities Application Solutions


Unparalleled efficiency and innovation

Faster mission enablement

  • 3x faster from idea to production 
  • Rapid development/code abstraction with continuous integration & continuous delivery/deployment
  • Out-of-the-box compliance with M23-22/UX EO/USWDS
  • No user-based licensing
  • 10x developer productivity increase
  • 100x fewer bugs and instantaneous rollbacks for significantly lower program/project risks
  • No proprietary code
  • Open standards/open source
  • GenAI conversion available any destination

Unqork Use Cases for Government

Rapid Application Development Framework

  • Accelerate digitization and modernization.
  • Manage and control SDLC and standards compliance.
  • Decentralize development, testing, & modification.

Compliance & Oversight Workbench

  • Provide real-time visibility to leadership.
  • Enhance collaboration.
  • Leverage a single pane of glass for oversight, adjudication, and enforcement.
  • Reduce business risk of benefits and and compliance programs.

Constituent/Case Request Management

  • Rapidly automate legacy and paper processes.
  • Gain immediate visibility and automated business rules.
  • Reduce risk, overhead, and cycle times.
  • Deliver pixel-perfect UX.

Benefit Administration (Loan, Insurance, TANF, etc.)

  • Support complex case workflow.
  • Leverage financial services industry best practices and experience.
  • Gain iterative modernization and integration with legacy platforms.

Cloud Migration Factory (from any platform to Unqork)

  • Significantly accelerate legacy modernization with GenAI.
  • Lower lock-in risk when selecting Unqork.
  • Reduce locked in costs in other platforms.
  • Reduce enterprise risk in legacy MF, Java, and Access.

Federal Risk & Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®

Unqork Government has achieved Federal Risk & Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP®) Authority to Operate at the Moderate Impact Level, giving agencies the ability to confidently and securely develop applications on Unqork.

Unqork on the FedRAMP Marketplace

Unleash the power of Unqork

Why Unqork